Chapter V-55: Truth
(091) Title: Truth (092) Neo: Rei...! Taichi: Rei! Zero: Rei! (093) Zero: Ugh...! Arkadimon: Gichigichi. Neo: Stop it, Arkadimon! Hideto: Oh...! Zero: Why you...! (094) Zero: Don't interfere! Arkadimon: Gigigi! (095) Neo: Rei...! Taichi: Rei! (096) Taichi: Thank God... He made it... Neo: Rei... (097) All: Are you okay!? All: Rei! All: Rei! Rei: G, guys... Taichi: Neo... Rei: Brother... (098) Neo: ...Rei... Neo: Why...? Neo: Why would you do something stupid like that...? Rei: It's... Rei: It's my fault the world's being destroyed... Rei: I couldn't stand it... Neo: Why!? Neo: An accident made you unable to walk... Neo: And I'm trying to build a new world where things like that can't happen...! (099) Neo: You'll be able to live in a perfect world, Rei, not like the real world where you never know what will happen! Neo: Weren't you sad about what happened!? Rei: I don't...want that world, Brother... Rei: What I was sad about was the way you changed since the accident...! Rei: I just wanted to be with you guys again the way you were...! Neo: Rei... Taichi: Neo...! (100) Taichi: I've felt it while I was travelling with her. She didn't despair about the real world... Taichi: She was optimistic... Taichi: So why are you despairing? Taichi: Didn't you want to be a doctor!? Taichi: Don't you want to help her get better!? Neo: Shut up, Taichi! Neo: Just how lucky can you get, you bastard!? Neo: By some coincidence he happens to evolve, and by some coincidence you happen to keep winning... What do you understand!? Rei: It's not a coincidence, Brother. Rei: You should understand more than anyone! Neo: What!? (101) Rei: When they were fighting you, no matter how tough it was, they tried their best and didn't give up! Rei: That's why the future lent them a bit of strength! Rei: I believe the future is for those who don't give up! Neo: The for... Neo: Those who don't...give up? (102) -no text- (103) Hideto: Neo... Hideto: ...You took that thoughtless doctor's words about Rei's legs to heart and despaired more than any of us, didn't you...? Rei: Brother... Neo: I... Neo: You mean...I stole others' future in order to build a future for Rei...!? Gabu: Wh, what!? (104) Neo: Waaaaaaaah! Taichi: Arkadimon turned back into an Ultimate! (105) Taichi: The Digimental lots its power...! Taichi: Neo... Jijimon: The Digimental is activated by a person's pure heart. Jijimon: That's why I thought Neo would never be able to use it... Jijimon: But it looks like Neo's feelings for Rei were true. (106) Jijimon: So the Digimental gave him power... Rei: Brother... Jijimon: But it looks like you've realised that's not the way to make her happy... Taichi: Neo... Rei: Brother... Even if my legs worked, this isn't the world we should be walking in... Neo: Rei... Rei: Brother. (107) Rei: Let's go back to our world! (108) Gabumon: I guess it was all because of his love for his sister... Leo: Now Arkadimon's threat is gone... Leo: We can finally restore order to the world... (109) Demon: Hahaha! Demon: Do you really think so? Gabumon: Wh, what!? Gabumon: Arkadimon spoke!? Neo: What!? Holy Angemon:'s not him... Holy Angemon: Th, this voice is... (110) Holy Angemon: Demon! Taichi: What!? Zero: Wh, what!? Neo: I, impossible. Neo: I thought he disappeared when Arkadimon ate him... Demon: Hahaha! Don't underestimate me, brat! I didn't disappear, I entered him of my own free will. Demon: So I could alter Arkadimon's data and make his power my own! Neo: What!? (111) Igamon: I, it's true Demon had the power to manipulate the arrangements of ones and zeroes... Gabumon: Yeah... He could turn Data Monsters into violent Viruses... Leo: But...I never thought... Leo: He'd fuse with Arkadimon... Demon: It took time, but eventually I was able to enter its body. Demon: In other words, everything went according to my plan. Neo: Your plan!? Demon: That's right, you foolish child! Demon: You were never more than a part of my plan! Demon: I needed someone like you to raise the Super Ultimate. Demon: Someone with an attachment to the Digimon World and the ability to use the Digimental! Neo: Are you saying you were just using me!? (112) Demon: It was easy enough for me to amplify your tenacity. Neo: Wha...!? Neo: B, but... Taichi: Neo... Rei: Brother! Taichi: Neo! Taichi: I won't let you get away with this, Demon! You took advantage... Taichi: Of Neo's attachment to the Digmon World...and his feelings for Rei! (113) Demon: Mwahahahaha! Such worthless emotion, but I was able to make use of it! Demon: And thanks to you... Demon: I can now proceed... Demon: With my invasion of the human world! (114) Demon: Demon Super Ultimate! (115) Demon: Mwahahahahahahaha! Neo: No way... Demon: Hahahahaha! Taichi: Everything's going according to plan!? (116) Taichi: I don't think so! Zero: Don't make me laugh, Demon! |
XROS WARS (Young Hunters)