Chapter V-49: Dot Matrix
(079) Title: Dot Matrix (080) -no text- (081) -no text- (082) Caption: Holy Angemon's Castle (083) Leo: What!? Leo: Zero's been seriously injured!? Leo: A...are you okay, Zero!? Leo: Hurry! Get him to the intesive care unit! Leo: Taichi... Leo: Jijimon, how is Zero doing!? Jijimon: I don't know what to say... His body is decaying into ones and zeroes! Jijimon: He's still just barely breathing, but I don't know what to do...! (084) Jijimon: Anyway, there's lots I need to research! I need to use your equipment, Holy Angemon! Holy Angemon: Please do! Caption: Intensive Care Unit Taichi: Zero... (085) Holy Angemon: Taichi won't leave Zero's side... Leo: Well, it's no wonder, considering Zero's condition... Leo: What on earth... Leo: Did Arkadimon do to him...? Leo: Not even Taichi knows... Leo: There's no way we can fight it... Geckovich: Hmph! Leo...I'm sick of relying on humans! Leo: Geckovich... Geckovich: Humans are all worthless! Geckovich: Taichi's a liar! Who's a "100% Tamer" now!? (086) Mari: Why you... Hideto: Quit it, Mari. Sigma: Taichi's a great Tamer! Sigma: He just didn't know Arkadimon's secret power! Mari: Sigma...! Geckovich: Wh...what, what!? Geckovich: Who on earth are you!? Geckovich: What are you doing here!? Gabo: Oh... These three humans used to be Neo's allies, Alias III. Gabo: But now they've left Neo and joined our side. Geckovich: Wha...? Geckovich: Neo's allies!? (087) Rei: And these guys are Pal and Pul. Rei: They helped me escape... It was too dangerous for them to stay in Demon's Castle, so I brought them with us. Geckovich: ...And who are you...? Rei: Sa...Saiba Rei... Neo's sister... Geckovich: Aaaaaaa! Geckovich: This is ridiculous! Geckovich: I can't believe Taichi brought these guys with him!! Hideto: We all put our hopes in Taichi. Geckovich: Hopes!? (088) Leo: But, Sigma... Leo: You mentioned Arkadimon's secret power... Leo: Just what is it? Sigma: It's called... Sigma: Dot Matrix. Sigma: An invisible attack! (089) Leo: Dot Matrix! Holy Angemon: An invisible attack...? Sigma: Yes. Sigma: I only found out after scanning Arkadimon's data directly. (090) Sigma: Apparently Dot Matrix is able to take anything, whether physical or energy... Sigma: And instantaneously turn it into ones and zeroes so he can absorb it! Right caption: Dissolve Left caption: Absorb Sigma: So his opponents disappear instantaneously... Sigma: Without even knowing what hit them. (091) Mari: No way... Hideto: It can dissolve...and absorb invisibly... Hideto: I the reason Omegamon's Garuru Cannon and Grey Sword didn't work... Hideto: Is that they were dissolved before they hit him! Mari: And that's why Zero's arm and wings disappeared... Mari: I can't believe he had a secret invisible attack... Mari: So that's why Taichi lost! He didn't even know what was happening! (092) Leo: ...But why hasn't Zero disappeared yet, then? Leo: He was hit with the attack, wasn't he? Sigma: Probably...because Neo wants Taichi to suffer. Sigma: So he used a slower version of Dot Matrix. Sigma: He wants Taichi to watch Zero slowly disappear...! Geckovich: Wh... Geckovich: What a horrible person... Leo: Neo is certainly fearsome... Leo: As is Dot Matrix... Leo: But if we can prevent him from using it... Leo: We have a chance of winning! (093) Patamon: Emergency! Emergency! Patamon: Neo's troops are invading everywhere! Their destruction knows no bounds! Leo: What!? Patamon: Especially Arkadimon. Nothing can withstand him! (094) -no text- (095) Angemon: Damn it! Angemon: Th...they disappeared... Arkadimon: Gichi... Gichi gichi! (096) -no text- (097) Neo: Hahaha... Leo: Damn it! Leo: That bastard! Leo: Patamon! Send out orders for reinforcements! Patamon: Right! Holy Angemon: Wait, Leo! (098) Holy Angemon: Patamon! Holy Angemon: Send out orders for all Monsters to retreat immediately! Patamon: What!? Holy Angemon: I want you guys to stay here and take care of Zero! Holy Angemon: And support Jijimon on the research front... Holy Angemon: And give Taichi moral support! (099) Leo: Wh...what do you mean, Holy Angemon? Holy Angemon: Neo's goal right now is to destroy the cities and eliminate Taichi's allies. Holy Angemon: He probably won't give chase to the retreating Monsters and we'll be able to keep casualties to a minimum. Holy Angemon: However, Leo... Holy Angemon: We will meet Neo's forces with our own elite troops! Leo: All right. (100) Sigma: Will you be all right, Holy Angemon? Do you have a plan...? Holy Angemon: We have a score to settle with Neo. Holy Angemon: We won't lose this time. War Greymon: We'll fight, too! Holy Angemon: I've heard about you from Igamon. I'm glad to have you on our side! Holy Angemon: Warg... Melga... Holy Angemon: No, Omegamon! Holy Angemon: Prepare for the attack! (101) -no text- (102) -no text- (103) -no text- (104) Jijimon: Huh!? Sigma: What is it, Jijimon? Jijimon: Th...this is... |
XROS WARS (Young Hunters)