Chapter V-30: Holy War
Title: Holy War
Leo: H, Holy Angemon.
Neo: Hehe, so you've finally shown up.
Holy Angemon: Reconsider, evil ones.
Holy Angemon: Otherwise, be purified by the holy light...
Venom Vamdemon: *coughs*
Venom Vamdemon: I don't understand... I'll kill you.
Venom Vamdemon: I'll kill you...
Neo: Wait! He's Arkadimon's!
Holy Angemon: So that's Arkadimon.
Holy Angemon: Stop this, boy. You don't know the terror of the Super Ultimate.
Holy Angemon: The Super Ultimate has the energy to destroy the balance of all living things in this world.
Holy Angemon: If he reaches his final form, no mere human will be able to control him.
Holy Angemon: Boy, you are being used by Demon!
Holy Angemon: Demon means to discard you once you've raised the Super Ultimate and are no longer useful to him!
Neo: So?
Neo: Hahaha!
Neo: He's using me?
Neo: Demon is?
Neo: Don't make me laugh!
Neo: It's true that if I raise him the way you think, the Super Ultimate will become an uncontrollable monster.
Neo: But there's a way.
Neo: There's another evolution besides the usual one.
Leo: What?
Neo: That's...
Leo: Wh...
Leo: What?
Leo: I, impossible.
Leo: I've never heard that before...
Neo: Your leader knows.
Neo: About this "evil trick"...
Holy Angemon: What are you...?
Holy Angemon: How do you know that secret...?
Holy Angemon: Regardless, I can't just sit by and watch!
Holy Angemon: I'm going to seal Arkadimon away in another dimension!
Neo: Whoa! What's this...?
Arkadimon: Gi...
Holy Angemon: Gate of Heaven, suck in the evil ones!
Holy Angemon: Heaven's Gate!
Devidramon: Ugh!
Evilmon: Aaaaah!
Arkadimon: Gigi!
Arkadimon: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Leo: Y, you did it...
Holy Angemon: Don't think badly of me, boy.
Holy Angemon: It's over now...
Neo: Heh... Maybe it would be over for an ordinary Monster.
Neo: But we're talking about Arkadimon.
Holy Angemon: What?
Leo: Oh!
Leo: The gate...
Leo: It's not fully closed!
Motimon: Oh! Holy Angemon's special attack...!
Motimon: Didn't work!
Neo: Don't put on airs. Is this the best you can do?
Holy Angemon: You're right...
Motimon: Wah!
Motimon: Wh, what...?
Motimon: I, is that Holy Angemon?
Leo: No, that's Holy Angemon without his seal...
Motimon: What?
Seraphimon: Ultimate Evolution, Seraphimon!
Leo: Holy Angemon already had the power of an Ultimate...
Leo: But the energy from so much power disturbed the peace of those around him...
Leo: So he put a seal on his evolution...
Seraphimon: But there's no choice.
Seraphimon: I can't let the Super Ultimate have access to this world.
Neo: Ahahahaha! Perfect. Perfect, Arkadimon
Arkadimon: Gi!
Seraphimon: Have a taste of my special attack!
Seraphimon: Seven Heavens!
Motimon: Oh! He did it...
Seraphimon: Now to finish you!
Seraphimon: Excalibur!
Neo: Hahaha, the thing about Arkadimon is...
Neo: The relationship between his level and his power is beyond the grasp of ordinary Monsters.
Leo: What?
Leo: He blocked Excalibur with his bare arm?
Seraphimon: Ugh!
Leo: What? The tentacle is still alive...?
Seraphimon: It reattached!
Seraphimon: Ugh... Shit...
Seraphimon: You are indeed fearsome, Arkadimon.
Seraphimon: But this next attack will finish you off!
Neo: Hehehe, Arkadimon's finished charging...
Neo: You're too late.
Neo: You can't win now...!
Seraphimon: Seven Heavens!
Leo: D...did he get him...?
Leo: I...impossible...
Leo: Arkadimon evolved to Adult?
Seraphimon: He's fast...
Seraphimon: Whoa!?
Leo: Oh! Shit...
Neo: Eat him.
Arkadimon: Gigi...
Seraphimon: Waaaah!
Seraphimon: Ugh..
Leo: St...
Leo: Stop!
Venom Vamdemon: Whoops...
Leo: Ugh!
Motimon: Le...
Motimon: Leo!
Neo: Have you finished charging, Arkadimon...?
Motimon: Holy Angemon!
Neo: Ahahaha, how pathetic. This is perfect!
Neo: You're perfect...
Neo: The perfect food...
Seraphimon: Ugh...
Neo: Arkadimon has done what he came here to do.
Neo: Now I've just got to kill the rest of you and take the castle.
Neo: Venom Vamdemon, let the kiddies watch him die!
Venom Vamdemon: Haha.
Motimon: Oh... This is terrible... Someone help...
Motimon: At this rate, Holy Angemon castle will be destroyed...
Neo: Kill him!
Motimon: No...
Motimon: Stop!!
Neo: Wind?
Venom Vamdemon: Ha...
Venom Vamdemon: Something's coming...
Motimon: Oh...
Motimon: That's...
Motimon: Zero and...
Motimon: Taichi!
Venom Vamdemon: Enemy...
Venom Vamdemon: Kill!
Zero: You're in the way!