Chapter 014 - Xros Dreams!! The Dream Can’t Be Crushed!!

Taiki wonders how the Two Headed Red Black Dragon will bring destruction and it doesn’t seem to be related to Bagramon. Taiki hears something and wonders what it is. Tatsuya is talking to Shoutmon how he is bad at sports and how Taiki gave him advice on how to run. In which he then won his next race and that is when Tatsuya decided what he wanted to do. Shoutmon thought Tatsuya would hate Taiki. But it seems not. They are distracted by an explosion. Wizarmon is back to normal and declares it’s Blastmon. They know they need to go there and they need to find Taiki. Dorulumon tells Tatsuya he needs to evacuate. But Shoutmon wants to take him.

Kiriha’s Team is fighting with Blastmon and getting beaten. To the point in which Kiriha is falling to the ground and is saved by Xros Heart. Kiriha tells them not to get involved. But Akari points out innocent people are getting involved. Kiriha doesn’t care and calls Taiki a cowards. In which Akari yells at him for this. Dorulumon explains that Blastmon is one of the three commanders, has powerful armour. And Kiriha states is basically a giant idiot. Kiriha challenges Blastmon to Rock Paper Scissors and bigs it up to be a holy form of Martial Arts.

He then goes on to say Ballistamon is the current champion! Kiriha suggests they go to the ‘holy arena’ (an island) to fight. From the background they are being watched by Shademon and Tsuwarmon. Shoutmon finds Taiki and tells him that Blastmon is there. Along with Xros Heart and Blue Flare. Taiki goes to head off to the battle. But Shoutmon asks him what his dream is. Taiki answers that his aim to be king of the Digital World with Shoutmon is enough.

Tatsuya comes from around the corner and Shoutmon tells Taiki he heard it all from Akari. Taiki and him talk about why Taiki can’t run anymore. But Taiki states he dragged Tatsuya for the sake of his dream. Tatsuya grabs Taiki and yells at him. That he ran because he enjoyed it. He manages to stand up and still wants to run. He tells Taiki not to give up. But Taiki is worried about how he may hurt others. Shoutmon points out true dreams can never be crushed.

Taiki and Shoutmon start to run with and though his emotion/feelings. Shoutmon evolves to OmegaShoutmon. Tatsuya sees the whole thing and thinks Taiki is awesome as the pair go off to battle.
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XROS WARS (Young Hunters)